Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brian has a diagnosis!

So, Brian got more testing done. He met with the neurologist on Monday and was told he has a dysfunctional utricle (utrical). It is a very, very new disorder. So recently discovered in fact that there is no definitive treatment for it. The 'treatment' right now is to aggravate the symptoms in a controlled environment and hope the brain gets sick of the reaction and basically ignores the utricle.

The doctors estimate is that it will take 3-6 months of thereapy to relieve the symptoms. Hopefully it takes less but in the mean time he is still staying with his grandma in Mesa. We are grateful that he has the family to support him there.

As for us I have had the realization that when I am stressed my uterus contracts. So, I have to keep myself calm and serene when dealing with the girls, and it has actually helped me a lot! The week I was alone with the girls I felt like they were listening better, but that could just be me. Last week I had Dad here to help and this week Becca has given up her spring break to come help me clean my house. It feels very good to get rid of the clutter.

We are grateful to all who prayed for us, and lent their support. We love you all!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The neurologist...

I have to say, this guy was Brian's favorite doctor by far! He was very personable and in depth with everything...he even ran Brian through some minor motion tests to get an idea of his limitations.

So, according to Dr. Fife (the neurologist) there are two possible explanations for Brian's symptoms. One of them is a series of holes in his inner ear that are causing improper pressure changes and fluid mixtures. The other option is a malformed bone in his inner ear. I'm not quite sure why it would wait till now to show up but the doc wants to rule it out with a CT scan. The other condition will be tested with a series of physical and balance tests.

At present Brian has been able to resume some work. He has been given a position at DPS headquarters in Phoenix, which unfortunately means that he is living there for the time being, and since his parents moved to Texas this weekend the girls and I have nowhere to stay that is big enough for two whirlwinds, so we're home in Salome.

To make the situation more complicated I was experiencing some contractions last week, I spoke with me OB about it and she told me to drink more water and try to be a little less active. I think part of the problem was the shear amount of stress that Brian's situation has caused, along with of course the responsibilities of raising two toddlers who have a hard time sitting still for more than 5 minutes at a time. We are just praying that things will be resolved soon and that Brian can come home!